Killjoy 2 Movie Review

Every time I see one of these movies, I am left wondering just how they managed Killjoy 2 killer clown to get so many sequels, because if you thought Killjoy 1 was bad OH BOY you haven't seen Killjoy 2 yet.In this installment, we get less of the clown, on less sets, with far less creativity or visibility and an even less coherent plot and less reas

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Top 10 Leprechaun Kills

When you've got a long running horror comedy franchise, you tend to rack up a nice, big body count. Leprechaun is no exception, despite a modest first showing the little guy has piled up over half a hundred cold ones in a mere 8 movies.As such, there's no time like the present to rank the best 10 of the bunch! A top 10 video! For the younger of tho

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The Leprechaun Factor 3

Leprechaun 2 and 3 were not what was anticipated. Originally, the Warwick Davis horror films were intended to have distinct narratives.Check out Decker Shado's missing Leprechaun movies video if you want to see how Leprechaun original scripts the Leprechaun movies may have turned out. It's a fascinating video that will help you understand what may

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